Added the following line inside SpecialIframePage.php to cause the iframe's size to fit its contents:
'onload' => 'document.getElementById(\'iframeframe\').style.height = (this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 20) + \'px\''
Don't forget to add a comma because it's inside an array.
The full snippet is:
$html .= Html::element( 'iframe',
array( 'id' => "iframe-$srcName",
'src' => $src,
'frameborder' => '0',
'width' => '100%',
'height' => '100%',
'onload' => 'document.getElementById(\'iframeframe\').style.height = (this.contentWindow
.document.body.offsetHeight + 20) + \'px\''
P.S.: It's mainly used to put Apache's Directory Listing inside a frame at my wiki pages