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Topic on Talk:Reading/Trust

Additional comment on trust indicators

MKramer (WMF) (talkcontribs)

One thing that I've always thought would be interesting/useful is to get a sense of the standard deviation of editors to edit ratio - who is the top editor of a page? How are edits spread across all the editors? It can be alarming at times when you know what you are doing to view history and realise an article is mostly edited by one person - I've seen this a lot in building the reading trending service: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/Projects/Edit_based_trending_service - and I'd be interested in exploring this more on an article level rather than over a duration of an hour. The work we did in mobile way back in 2014 was supposed to kick off this kind of work by making readers more aware of editors

This is an interesting approach, or other kinds of visual indicators that may indicate what went into a particular page. I really like the box at the top of [current events] that alerts readers that things might be quickly changing. Other things I might be curious about:

- How does the page I'm reading compare to a "typical" page in this subject? Does it have more editors? Less? Was it edited more or less frequently than a page with similar topic? Traffic levels? Some other indicator?

- How many editors have edited the page in the past [duration of time]?

- How many other pages on a similar topic has an editor edited?

- What percentage of contributions to this page were made in the last [duration of time?]

- What percentage of edits to this page were made by accounts that are older than [duration of time?]

- What percentage of edits on this page came from desktop vs. mobile? (This might not be as helpful to the reader as it may be to editors or product folk.)

- How many people have been blocked from editing this page?

Caveats with all of these: Not sure if these are the right things to measure, or in the right ways. Throwing them out for discussion. Also know that sites that favor longevity over other factors sometimes have issues with people selling accounts.

MKramer (WMF) (talkcontribs)
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