Instead of adding columns to various tables (page, revision, archive), I suggest to create a separate table that holds meta-data about revision content (at least the model and format, but we will also want things like the role/slot, blob address, and hash there later, for multi-content-revision support, see Phab:T107595). The table would have at least these fields:
CREATE TABLE /*_*/content (
cnt_revision INT NOT NULL,
cnt_model INT NOT NULL,
cnt_format INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (cnt_revision)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
This table can then be used to acquire the model and format for a given revision by joining cnt_revision against page_current, rev_id, or ar_rev_id.
If we want to support multiple content "slots" per revision (as per Phab:T107595), cnt_revision would no longer be sufficient to identify the desired content. A cnt_role field would be added to identify the role the content plays in the revision (e.g. main, style, categories, meta, blame, etc). cnt_role would reference a content_role table defined in the same way as content_model and content_format. cnt_revision and cnt_role form a unique key. The table would then look like this:
CREATE TABLE /*_*/content (
cnt_revision INT NOT NULL,
cnt_role INT NOT NULL,
cnt_model INT NOT NULL,
cnt_format INT NOT NULL,
-- more fields to add for multi-content-revision support:
-- cnt_address, cnt_hash, cnt_logical_size, cnt_is_primary, etc
PRIMARY KEY (cnt_revision, cnt_role)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE TABLE /*_*/content_role (
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/cr_role ON /*_*/content_role (cr_role);
When joining against page_current, rev_id, etc., cnt_role will then have to be fixed (e.g. to the "main" role) to allow a unique match per revision.