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Topic on Extension talk:Title Icon/Flow

Shuryard (talkcontribs)

Hello! With the Title Icon installed, when I try to open my wiki (any article), it gives me a blank page. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

See this page on how to get more information on the cause of the error. Also you should state the version of MediaWiki, Title Icon and PHP you are using to allow narrowing down the issue. Note that this extension requires Semantic MediaWiki to be installed first. This one is up and running too?

Shuryard (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your reply. SMW is installed. I have MW 1.26.2 and PHP 5.3.24 (apache2filter). TitleIcon is for MW 1.26. This is my debug message (I deleted my path details in front of /w):

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message
'/.../w/extensions/TitleIcon/extension.json does not exist!' in /.../w/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php:106 Stack trace:
#0 /.../w/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(181): ExtensionRegistry->queue('/.../')
#1 /.../w/LocalSettings.php(163): wfLoadExtension('TitleIcon')
#2 /.../w/includes/WebStart.php(123): require_once('/.../')
#3 /.../w/index.php(38): require('/.../')
#4 {main} thrown in /.../w/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php on line 106
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Ah, that's it, at least I guess. The extension's docu applies to MW 1.27+. On REL1_26 you should still invoke with

require_once "$IP/extensions/TitleIcon/TitleIcon.php";