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Topic on Extension talk:UniversalLanguageSelector/Flow

Special:MyLanguage and Search Translation headers

Fabdoka (talkcontribs)

Hello everybody,

I use on multiple MediaWiki installations the MediaWiki language extension bundle. I'm very happy but I have two problems:

  1. The Extension: UniversalLanguageSelector passes, when selecting a language, the open article not on Special:MyLanguage so the article remains in the source language. How can I change it, or is there a possibility to send all URLs on Special:MyLanguage?
  2. Although it is possible to translate a heading, but the search for the translated title is not possible. How can I search for the translated headings?

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards


Tuxxic (talkcontribs)

Hi, for 1), have you tried this snippet proposed on the MLEB ?


* If set to true, when a user selects an interface language via ULS (Universal

* Language Selector), if the current page is a translatable page or a translation

* page then the user is also redirected to the corresponding translation page

* in the selected language.


* The language of the translation pages visited afterwards will still depend on the

* links followed (it will be the interface language only if the links use the

* Special:MyLanguage syntax).

* @since 2013-03-10


$wgTranslatePageTranslationULS = true;

Fabdoka (talkcontribs)

Hi @Tuxxic,

thanks $wgTranslatePageTranslationULS = true; works for me =)

Do you also have an answer to the second problem?

Tuxxic (talkcontribs)

Hi @Fabdoka,

You're right, I have only the page name in home language followed by the code of the language it is translated.

I think it is not possible due to the way Translate is doing its job on title translation, but I can be wrong.

I think we can file a bug report on this, if it can be fixed !