Hi! At Swedish Wikipedia (sv.wikipedia) we have a gadget whose JavaScript looks like this:
$( function() {
'use strict';
$( '.mw-ui-icon-random' ).after( '<a href="https://tools.wmflabs.org/slumpartikel?mobile=1" title="Exkludera robotskapade sidor" id="ExkluderaRobotskapadeSidor">(−bot)</a>' );
} );
and whose gadget definition looks like this: *ExkluderaRobotskapadeSidorMobil[default|ResourceLoader|targets=mobile]|ExkluderaRobotskapadeSidorMobil.js|ExkluderaRobotskapadeSidorMobil.css
There seems to be some kind of race condition going on here, because it sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't. Can you tell just by looking at this what's wrong? If not, could you point me to a page where the modules that can be loaded as dependencies are described, so that I can try on my own?