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Topic on Talk:Developers/Flow

NOT offering the MathJax HTML+CSS rendering option does get in the way of their project of supporting the MathML rendering option

Tentacles (talkcontribs)

On all those sites that use MathJax, I can choose the Math renderer to be from: MathML, HTML+CSS, SVG and more options... If Wikipedia had all those options, we could leave everything as LaTeX and all the zillion hours spent on math typography (and writing all those templates for HTML maths) could be spent on writing actual mathematical content. Offering the MathJax HTML+CSS rendering option does not get in the way of their project of supporting the MathML rendering option; NOT offering the MathJax HTML+CSS rendering option does get in the way of their project of supporting the MathML rendering option because people are then inclined to write the math in HTML with templates instead of the LaTeX that MathJax needs as input. Oops... Tentacles mailto:Tentacles 01:37, 2 April 2016 (UTC)

Tentacles (talkcontribs)
Reply to "NOT offering the MathJax HTML+CSS rendering option does get in the way of their project of supporting the MathML rendering option"