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Topic on Extension talk:Title Icon/Flow

Trouble getting TitleIcon to work

Legaulph (talkcontribs)

I add the code

{{#set:Title Icon=UnderConstruction.png}}
{{#set:Title Icon=Article.png}}
{{#set:Title Icon=Inproceedings.png}}


Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)

Did you create a Property named Title Icon and set its type to Text? See this link. This is the most common cause of the problem. I'm assuming that you also uploaded the files in question (UnderConstruction.png, Article.png, and Inproceedings.png) so that they are available to the extension. (talkcontribs)

This is a very important note. I made the same mistake. Perhaps this should be mentioned in the Relase notes.

Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)

It was already mentioned in the documentation, but I repeated and bolded it.

Legaulph (talkcontribs)

Well thank you Cindy works perfectly now

Knazanga (talkcontribs)

I have the same issue. I don't understand what Cindy means by setting Title Icon property's type to Text. In my Property:Title Icon page I have the property values printed in red color (It seems the files don't exist) although the files exist. My Mediawiki version is 1.27 and TitleIcon is the 3.0.

Cindy.cicalese (talkcontribs)

If they are red links, that means the property type is Page, not Text. You have not created the property page or have not set the property type on that page. Navigate to the page "Property:Title Icon" (unless you have used $wgTitleIcon_TitleIconPropertyName to change the name of the property to something different) and save that page containing the wiki text [[Has type::Text]]. (talkcontribs)

Doesn't work here, too.

Created the page 'Property:Title Icon' with the only content [[Has type::Text]]. (shows red 'Has type::Text' when saved)

Also tried without Space and set $wgTitleIcon_TitleIconPropertyName = 'Property:TitleIcon'; with no success.

At another page I inserted {{#set:Title Icon=myexstingicon.svg}} and this text is shown as text on the page instead of generating an icon.

I'm on Mediawiki 1.35 and the Extension shows up installed at the version page of the wiki.

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