Hi guys,
Some problem with skins on my site:
I really don't know what to do.
You have problems with the following error when you call load.php:
Internal error Problematic modules: { "mediawiki.sectionAnchor": "error", "skins.vector.styles": "error" }
Internal error Problematic modules: { "startup": "error" }
This is the same problem as Topic:Stvdbhcbttk5aa9d.
A workaround could be to add $wgResourceLoaderDebug=true; in LocalSettings.php.
Anyway, we should still add a real solution for that one to Manual:Errors and symptoms.
$wgResourceLoaderDebug=true; may need to be combined with other debugging options. An instance of this type of condition (also involving Vector) was discussed on Stack Exchange:
Ensure $wgCacheDirectory is set (this was not defined in my old LocalSettings.php) to something - such as $IP/cache (and make sure this directory is writeable for the user running your PHP scripts).
$IP/cache writeable (MW is putting another file there) debug on, cache directory set, still getting this error :(
This seems to be more a problem with the PHP temp directory than $wgCacheDirectory