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Topic on User talk:Mattflaschen-WMF/Flow

Cleanly marking Wikimedia-specific content on mediawiki.org

RobLa-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi Matt, @Nemo bis was asking earlier about your April revision to Manual:How_to_debug. I agree that the edit seems like it's in a peculiar spot. In the 2015-09-01 API doc office hour, @Krenair (WMF) asserted "Wikimedia gets away with an awful lot of out of scope stuff that should have been moved [off of mediawiki.org][1]")

I think it's generally possible to have Wikimedia-specific stuff here, but how should we go about ensuring both:

  1. Wikimedia-specific stuff is in a discoverable location
  2. We're not making our documentation overly complicated and cluttered for non-Wikimedia uses?

The above is the general dilemma which you don't need to be the one to solve, but some help in figuring out where that particular edit belongs would be appreciated. Thanks!

Mattflaschen-WMF (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Cleanly marking Wikimedia-specific content on mediawiki.org"