Hi. I installed the OCG bundle, and configurate my wiki, When I try to use it, the mw-ocg-service.js server fetching stays for a while and ends saying: "Status: Bundling process died with non zero code: 1" The process is the next:
first it says:
Progress: 0 % Status: Fetching wiki configuration (wiki page: http://my.domain.org) After few seconds:
Progress: 2.5 % Status: Fetching wiki configuration (wiki page: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w ) and there it stays for a while...
After several minutes say:
Generation of the document file has failed.
Status: Bundling process died with non zero code: 1
What's going on?
Maybe it has releated with the need of using proxy to connect to external sites. What it is not supposed that the server should not use anything outside (OFFLINE Content Generator)?
What I'm doing wrong?
Excuse my bad grammar.