Probably I has something to do with manually creating the database table, though I currently cannot imagine why (table prefix used?). However, when trying to insert an Pubmed-ID via the parser function I get the following error:
- Query
INSERT INTO `49275_pubmed` (pmid,xml) VALUES ('123456','<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE PubmedArticleSet PUBLIC \"-//NLM//DTD PubMedArticle, 1st January 2015//EN\" ...)
- Function
- Error
1062 Duplicate entry '123456' for key 'PRIMARY' (localhost)
- Setup
- MediaWiki 1.23.9
- MySQL 5.5.43
- PHP 5.4.41
I found out that the "reload" paramter to the parser function is causing this issue. These are the errors I found in the server's log:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: xml in /.../extensions/PubmedParser/PubmedParser.Core.php on line 150, referer: [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: _writeDb in /.../extensions/PubmedParser/PubmedParser.Core.php on line 259, referer:
Another thing I realised is that the #pmid parser function is not registered in its section on "Special:Version" as it should.
It will be very cool if this could be fixed.