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Topic on Extension talk:RDFIO/Flow

Undertanding RDFIO for imports

00maiser00 (talkcontribs)

Hey there!

This might see a bit more complex than usual questions, but i would really apreciate the help.

At the moment i have to import a lof of classes and subclasses, and i am seeing that after for example creating a category in smw (called "Categoria15"), i get this at the rdfio endpoint(?s ?p ?o):

http://ExerWiki/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php/Especial:URIResolver/Categor-C3-ADa-3ACategoria15 http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label Categoria15

http://ExerWiki/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php/Especial:URIResolver/Categor-C3-ADa-3ACategoria15 http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#isDefinedBy http://localhost:85/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php/Especial:ExportRDF/Categor%C3%ADa:Categoria15

http://ExerWiki/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php/Especial:URIResolver/Categor-C3-ADa-3ACategoria15 http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class

(Apart from the triples coming from Swivt ontology)

So i undertand, in order to create a class an import it to SMW in it´s natural format i would need at least this 3 rdfs statemets, declaring the label of the URI, which thing is defined by and saying is a class.

Aftewards i would have to do something similar to declare that the class is subclass of another.

Which would be the statements to use, to import a class with that format which was called for example..."category10"?

I do not know if it is clear what i am asking for.


SHL (talkcontribs)

Hi 00maiser00!

I think these are things that are created by Semantic MediaWiki automatically when a Category page is created, and should not need to be created, to create a class.

Basically a class is detected as soon as a "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type", or a "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf property" are seen.

If you are interested in the details, this can be seen in detail in the code, in the highlighted part here: https://github.com/samuell/RDFIO/blob/master/classes/parsers/RDFIO_ARC2ToWikiConverter.php#L40-L62

00maiser00 (talkcontribs)

For what i detect, after we make an import of an statement (for example):

Car [(rdf)issubclassof] Vehicle

The process that they follow is:

1º RDFIO gives a URI for car and vehicle

2º Semantic mediawiki gives a URI to car and vehicle

3º Semantic mediawiki says the uris of RDFIO and SMW are the same.

4º Semantic mediawiki makes the declaration(indicating if it is subclass, class....) using the SMW URI.

Would be lovely to merge 4 steps in 3, as clearly, one should not be relevant (regarding user, perhaps it is needed for implementation) as feels pages with "equivalentURI" type statements.

Would this be possible from RDFIO side? Or would it involve changing SMW?

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