Hello. Thank you for this extension, it is proving itself to be very valuable. I do, however, have the following issue:
In my current configuration I have a template on each user page that pulls all comments related to them within the past 24 hours and assigns that to a property. The SemanticMailMerge page pulls all this information and compiles it into an email and sends it out a 1 AM via a cron job. On days where nobody has made a comment, the extension just sends out the same email as it did the last time (e.g. if nobody submitted a comment for 10 days, the last compiled email will be sent each morning for those 10 days.) I have the SMW_refresh.php also run automatically several times a day so the property values are always up to date. Any ideas if there is a cache or something I can clear to prevent this from happening? Thanks.
Topic on Extension talk:SemanticMailMerge/Flow