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Topic on Skin talk:BootStrapSkin/Flow

foreach() at Bootstrapskin.skin.php line 741

Phuyem (talkcontribs)


Thank you for your great work!

I had an error with GoogleSearch extension enabled. Debugging this, I found out that $content is a string, not array, causing some warning.

Anyway, on my local, it doesn't look as good as the version on your website. Is there something I missed ?

Test bootstrap on local
SwiftSys (talkcontribs)

Hi Phuyem,

thanks for your kind words :)

You need to add the bootstrap styling to articles - visit the site again and choose one of the guides, I'd suggest starting with columns first and then adding the content.

Would appreciate it if you could join the forums, it is only coincidence that I visited this page today and I'd hate for your support requests to go unanswered. Using the forums guarantees a response and others will respond if I'm not about, and you're likely to get much more detailed answers there.

A quick tip - visit the site and then view the page source, copy and paste that into your page, will give you some clues on how to incorporate bootstrap styling.

Thanks again, Lee :)

Reply to "foreach() at Bootstrapskin.skin.php line 741"