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Topic on Extension talk:S5SlideShow/Flow

No Error and can't switch slides

As9d8f7623ruhfdf (talkcontribs)


Seems to be a great extension. But I'm encountering some problems. I'm using this example with the master-branch. (tried also the REL_1_18) The first slide is displayed but I cannot go to the next slide.


MediaWiki	1.22.6 
PHP	5.4.4-14+deb7u9 (apache2handler)
MySQL	5.5.35-0+wheezy1

What could be the problem?

I'm using this example. And I have deactivated all other extensions.

<slideshow style="nobook" headingmark="" incmark="(step)" scaled="true">
;author: Presentation Author
;title: My Title
;subtitle: Subtitle
;subfooter: {{date}}

== Slide 1 ==
* Text 1.1
* Text 1.2

== Slide 2 ==
* Text 2.1
* Text 2.2
VitaliyFilippov (talkcontribs)

Hm... The version in master treated headingmark="" as "do not make slides from sections", not as "make slides from all sections", and it seems I've made it so explicitly (the idea was to allow using only <slides> tag)...

Now I think it's not good, so I've just committed a fix which makes headingmark="" to treat all sections as slides; and if you really want to disable section slides, you can omit headingmark and set $egS5SlideHeadingMark to false.

In any case, it works with a non-empty headingmark :-)

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