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Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

how to use fullurl with spaces?

5 (talkcontribs)

How do I make this link work: [//www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Upload&?wpDestFile=some name with spaces.jpg upload image]

[{{fullurl:Special:Upload|?wpDestFile={{{name|some name with spaces.jpg}}}}} upload image] (talkcontribs)

upload image

[{{fullurl:Special:Upload|?wpDestFile={{{name|some%20name%20with%20spaces.jpg}}}}} upload image]

or since MediaWiki internally replaces spaces with underscores:

upload image

[{{fullurl:Special:Upload|?wpDestFile={{{name|some_name_with_spaces.jpg}}}}} upload image] (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I was hoping for something that would work with whatever value that is passed, the default text was only to illustrate the problem.

Ricordisamoa (talkcontribs)
[{{fullurl:Special:Upload|wpDestFile={{urlencode:{{{name}}}}}}} upload image]
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