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Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions/Flow

Flow through the eyes of a new user

Jdlrobson (talkcontribs)

So this is my first real usage of Flow in the wild and the main problem I encountered was being able to see where to post my comment - to see whether it was a new topic or whether there was somewhere in particular I should post it - I basically went down the list closing every single open topic to make sure.

Is there any plans for some kind of high level overview of open topics e.g. a table of contents that shows when you hover over?

One thing that could be interesting is if when I type something, if an existing topic seems to be talking about the same sort of thing I get pointed to it. "Hey user xyz seems to be talking about a similar issue in this topic". That's going into the land of Natural Language processing however and might be a bit ambitious :-)

PS. I've only just noticed the collapse icons to the top right - I think these are pretty hidden almost invisible. PPS. Love it. Feels a pleasure to use - auto expanding and interface is lovely.

SPage (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Jdlrobson: Yup, the three icons to toggle the state of every loaded topic act as a weak substitute for a TOC. The revised front-end that engineer Shahyar is working on has an awesome TOC.

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Jdlrobson: Yup, those 3 collapse-state icons are the current method (and will soon remember our preferred view).

However, Shahyar is currently working on a front-end overhaul, see early mockup here, which includes a sticky/scrolling ToC.

Re: similar issues, perhaps that's what Ricordisamoa was describing in the thread below, Indicate related discussions? I believe you're describing something like bugzilla's "Searching for possible duplicates..." feature, when we submit a new bug-report? (I suggest migrating this topic to the other thread. :)

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