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Mediawiki page hangs

Kiolul (talkcontribs)


I encounter problem with my fresh install of mediawiki. I use it in my private corporate network with extension AutomaticREMOTE USER It works great but after some consult/create/navigate on the site, it always hangs on white page and return no error

My versions:

  • MediaWiki: 1.22.0
  • PHP: 5.3.10
  • Database: MySQL 5.5.34

I must restart apache to recover the site.

This is my log when I request for a page with no response.

Thx for your help. (talkcontribs)


From a quick look at your debug log I think that the request itself DOES end correctly. However, a new PHP process is spawned in order to do background tasks:

wfShellExec: /bin/bash '/var/www/mediawiki/includes/limit.sh' \/usr/bin/php'\ '\/var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/runJobs.php'\ '\--maxjobs'\ '\1'\ &' 'MW_INCLUDE_STDERR=;MW_CPU_LIMIT=180; MW_CGROUP='\\; MW_MEM_LIMIT=307200; MW_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT=102400; MW_WALL_CLOCK_LIMIT=180'

This process obviously does not finish properly (or at least the fact that it finished is not recognized correctly). This bug has been noted as https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58719 and you are welcome to test the patch, which is linked in Gerrit there!

Kiolul (talkcontribs)

I have installed the patch from Gerrit and it seems to work great!!!

Thx for your help.

Do you think this patch will be integrated in next release? (talkcontribs)

I hope so. The patch has already been merged in the master branch, meaning it will definitely be part of MediaWiki 1.23. What is still missing is the backport to MediaWiki 1.22. :-)

Kiolul (talkcontribs)

Great, roll on Mediawiki 1.23

Kiolul (talkcontribs)

Bad news, after several days of test, my mediawiki install hangs less often but hangs... Any other ideas? Thx. (talkcontribs)

And you have applied the patch, right? Then it should be another problem (I hope that the patch really solves the issue).

Can you please post a fresh debug log from when this hanging happens now?

Kiolul (talkcontribs)

Hi, I have upgraded to 1.22.3 and the problem still occures. This is the fresh debug log:
Start request GET /index.php/Accueil
HOST: wiki.vivens.priv
USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
ACCEPT-LANGUAGE: fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip, deflate
REFERER: http://wiki.vivens.priv/index.php?search=manuel&title=Sp%C3%A9cial%3ARecherche
COOKIE: db_wikiUserName=Quiblier; db_wikiUserID=2; db_wikiToken=7eb74cfd8f371d541b667ebfb122d7ab; wikiEditor-0-booklet-help-page=format; wikiEditor-0-toolbar-section=advanced; db_wiki_session=786b068d1764c106e046bb510815407b
CONNECTION: keep-alive
IF-MODIFIED-SINCE: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:23:53 GMT
CACHES: EmptyBagOStuff[main] SqlBagOStuff[message] SqlBagOStuff[parser]
[cookie] session_set_cookie_params: "0", "/", "", "", "1"
Class LanguageFr not found; skipped loading
LocalisationCache: using store LCStore_DB
Query db_wiki (1) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open */ NAMES binary
Query db_wiki (2) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open */ sql_mode =
Connected to database 0 at viv-int-sgbd-01.vivens.priv
Query db_wiki (3) (slave): BEGIN /* DatabaseBase::query (LCStore_DB::get) */
Query db_wiki (4) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'deps' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (5) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'list' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (6) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (7) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (8) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'fallback' LIMIT 1
User: cache miss for user 2
Query db_wiki (9) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadFromDatabase */
user_id,user_name,user_real_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_newpass_time,user_email,user_touched,user_token,user_email_authenticated,user_email_token,user_email_token_expires,user_registration,user_editcount FROM `user` WHERE user_id = '2' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (10) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadGroups */ ug_group FROM `user_groups` WHERE ug_user = '2'
User: loading options for user 2 from database.
Query db_wiki (11) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadOptions */ up_property,up_value FROM `user_properties` WHERE up_user = '2'
User: logged in from session
Fully initialised
Query db_wiki (12) (slave): SELECT /* WikiPage::pageData */
page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_counter,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_random,page_touched,page_latest,page_len,page_content_model FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace = '0' AND page_title = 'Accueil' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (13) (slave): SELECT /* Title::loadRestrictions */ pr_type,pr_expiry,pr_level,pr_cascade FROM `page_restrictions` WHERE pr_page = '3'
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to Accueil are {edit,move}
Query db_wiki (14) (slave): SELECT /* Revision::fetchFromConds */ rev_id,rev_page,rev_text_id,rev_timestamp,rev_comment,rev_user_text,rev_user,rev_minor_edit,rev_deleted,rev_len,rev_parent_id,rev_sha1,rev_content_format,rev_content_model,page_namespace,page_title,page_id,page_latest,page_is_redirect,page_len,user_name FROM `revision` INNER JOIN `page` ON ((page_id = rev_page)) LEFT JOIN `user` ON ((rev_user !=0) AND (user_id = rev_user)) WHERE page_id = '3' AND rev_id = '23' LIMIT 1
[ContentHandler] Created handler for wikitext: WikitextContentHandler
User: cache miss for user 2
Query db_wiki (15) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadFromDatabase */
user_id,user_name,user_real_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_newpass_time,user_email,user_touched,user_token,user_email_authenticated,user_email_token,user_email_token_expires,user_registration,user_editcount FROM `user` WHERE user_id = '2' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (16) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadGroups */ ug_group FROM `user_groups` WHERE ug_user = '2'
User: loading options for user 2 from database.
Query db_wiki (17) (slave): SELECT /* User::loadOptions */ up_property,up_value FROM `user_properties` WHERE up_user = '2'
User: logged in from session
Query db_wiki (18) (slave): SELECT /* Revision::loadText Quiblier */ old_text,old_flags FROM `text` WHERE old_id = '23' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (19) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get Quiblier */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'magicWords' LIMIT 1
User: loading options for user 2 from override cache.
Query db_wiki (20) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open Quiblier */ NAMES binary
Query db_wiki (21) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open Quiblier */ sql_mode =
Connected to database 0 at viv-int-sgbd-01.vivens.priv
Query db_wiki (22) (slave): SELECT /* SqlBagOStuff::getMulti Quiblier */ keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'db_wiki:messages:fr'
MessageCache::load: Loading fr... got from global cache
Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser::firstCallInit from MessageCache::getParser
Parser: using preprocessor: Preprocessor_DOM
Unstubbing $wgLang on call of $wgLang::_unstub from ParserOptions::__construct
OutputPage::checkLastModified: client sent If-Modified-Since: 2014-03-05T13:23:53Z
OutputPage::checkLastModified: effective Last-Modified: 2014-03-05T13:23:53Z
OutputPage::checkLastModified: NOT MODIFIED, page=2014-01-30T14:43:50Z, user=2014-03-05T13:23:53Z, epoch=2014-02-26T15:35:19Z
OutputPage::sendCacheControl: private caching; Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:23:53 GMT **
Article::view: done 304
wfShellExec: /bin/bash '/var/www/mediawiki/includes/limit.sh' \/usr/bin/php'\ '\/var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/runJobs.php'\ '\--maxjobs'\ '\1'\ >/dev/null 2>&1 &' 'MW_INCLUDE_STDERR=;MW_CPU_LIMIT=180; MW_CGROUP='\\; MW_MEM_LIMIT=307200; MW_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT=102400; MW_WALL_CLOCK_LIMIT=180'
Request ended normally

Start command line script /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/runJobs.php
CACHES: EmptyBagOStuff[main] SqlBagOStuff[message] SqlBagOStuff[parser]
Class LanguageFr not found; skipped loading
LocalisationCache: using store LCStore_DB
Query db_wiki (1) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open */ NAMES binary
Query db_wiki (2) (slave): SET /* DatabaseMysqlBase::open */ sql_mode =
Connected to database 0 at viv-int-sgbd-01.vivens.priv
Query db_wiki (3) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'deps' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (4) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'list' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (5) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (6) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1
Query db_wiki (7) (slave): SELECT /* LCStore_DB::get */ lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'fr' AND lc_key = 'fallback' LIMIT 1
Fully initialised
Query db_wiki (8) (slave): SELECT /* JobQueueDB::doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs */ DISTINCT job_cmd FROM `job` WHERE job_cmd IN ('refreshLinks','refreshLinks2','htmlCacheUpdate','sendMail','enotifNotify','fixDoubleRedirect','uploadFromUrl','AssembleUploadChunks','PublishStashedFile','null')
LoadBalancer::reuseConnection: this connection was not opened as a foreign connection

Thx for your help.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Kiolul (talkcontribs)

Yes I have applied the patch.

I try to test Ciencia's solution...

Reply to "Mediawiki page hangs"