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Upgrading mediawiki 1.20.5 to 1.22.1 (latest)

Kuxy09 (talkcontribs)

Please I am having a challenge upgrading my mediawiki to the latest version. I have read and followed the documentation here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading, I have actually followed the steps to upgrade another mediawiki site from old 1.14 to 1.22.0 last month. Even this current mediawiki 1.20.5 was upgraded also from 1.14 in May 2013 which I did successfully.

My challenge then is that when I perform the update and run the update.php script, everything seems okay without errors, however, nothing shows up on the home page. I have tried creating a new wiki folder and copying the Localsettings.php, images and extensions from the old wiki but after running the update and restarting apache, nothing shows on the home screen. I have also tried using the tar parameter "--strip-components=1" to extract the new wiki directory into the old wiki directory and running the update (which is how I upgraded from 1.14 to this current 1.20.5), but nothing shows on the home screen even after restarting apache. Am really not sure what else I might be omitting. Please I need your help to get this sorted at my place of work.

Product Version MediaWiki 1.20.5 PHP 5.3.15 (apache2handler) MySQL 5.6.14-log


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