Full notes on etherpad
Attending: RobLa, Chad, Katie, Bryan
- Katie gave a little history on where the code has been and who's worked on it.
- Bryan reported on initial impressions of the code base
- Generally positive with a few areas of concern
- Password storage for reviewers (unsalted md5)
- Data access layer (uses PEAR:DB for no apparent reason)
- template layer is yucky
- Could use a better interface for managing translations for applicant facing UI
- Needs better separation of code from configuration
- Generally positive with a few areas of concern
- Discussed next steps
- Chad:
- RT ticket in for a misc box to run it on (filed: https://rt.wikimedia.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=6054)
- RT ticket for DNS/SSL setup
- Bryan:
- Outline project phases/use cases for collaborative review/input
- 2 week focused sprint to clean up existing code
- After cleanup evaluate viability of keeping it
- Rob
- Request privacy policy for PII storage/access/archiving
- Chris Steipp
- Final security review
- End of sprint showcase (week of Nov 8th?) - Ellie, Jessie, Katie, Chad, Bryan, Rob, Dan Garry (optional)
- Chad: