Maybe I missed something, but I have yet to find a good way to search the archives of a list. When doing research I commonly want to read all the old messages and grep
through them. So I wrote this little bash script:
if test -n "$( find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.txt' -print -quit )"
echo 'Deleting old archives...'
rm *.txt
for _GZIP_FILE in $( wget --quiet -O - $_URL | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /href="(\d{4}[^"]+\.gz)"/g;' )
echo "Fetching $_GZIP_FILE..."
wget --quiet "${_URL}${_GZIP_FILE}"
gunzip $_GZIP_FILE
Create a new folder, put this script it there and then run it. Might be useful to somebody else...