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Topic on Extension talk:SubPageList/Flow

Support for Validator 0.5.1

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

Hello, Subpagelist with Validator 0.4.14 had been working very well on my wiki for a long time. I just upgraded Validator 0.4.14 to the latest one Validator 0.5.1 and after adding the DataValues extension my SubPagelist extension broke with this error message, Fatal error: Call to undefined method DataValues\UnknownValue::isValid() in /home/wiki/public/wiki/public/a/extensions/Validator/includes/ParamProcessor/Param.php on line 298

I updated DataValues, SubPagelist and Validator via git. I currently have mediawiki 1.21. I have temporarily reverted back to validator 0.4.14 and also to older subpage list. Combining New Validator with the older subpagelist 0.3 gives the following error. Fatal error: Class 'Parameter' not found in /home/wiki/public/wiki/public/a/extensions/SubPageList/SubPageList.class.php on line 63

Thanks for the great extension. My wiki completely depends on this. Hoping a fix to come.

Jeroen De Dauw (talkcontribs)

The latest git versions (SPL, Validator and DataValues) appear to be working with each other. Is that not the case for you?

Wikimanz (talkcontribs)

Just tried downloading everything once again from Git and it is working fine. Thanks, i must have not downloaded one of them from Git or mixed it up while reverting back and forth.


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