Hi, there seem to be some pywikipediabot bugs that I can fix myself. User:Xqt isn't active right now, and he/she doesn't respond to my bug reports.
Topic on User talk:Siebrand/Flow
Awesome. Welcome! :)
Please read Manual:Pywikipediabot/Development#Development and follow the steps that are documented there.
I already know about creation bots, and it's actually running on commons.
What I'm wondering is that how to make changes to them, as pyrev:11610 reported in User talk:Xqt#Bug.
See the link I pointed out to you. You should request commit access.
Thanks for your hint. I've send my email.
Is there any easier way? I've already have a wikitech account (Wikitech:User:Zhuyifei1999). Requesting a new one may conflict with the older one (http://svn.wikimedia.org/users.php).
As far as I know there is no easier way, as Subversion is a legacy system, not integrated into Labs and Gerrit.
This post was posted by, but signed as Siebrand.