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Special:SpecialPages stops working with AuthWP and MW 1.20.3

6 (talkcontribs)

I had AuthWP installed on a 1.18.x install and it was working perfectly. I updated to 1.20.x as 1.18.x was going to be deprecated in the near future and now Special:SpecialPages gives me a blank screen when I try to go to it.

Logging in to WordPress and then going over to MediaWiki still works great. The only problem I have is that the Special:SpecialPages does not work.


CiaranG (talkcontribs)

It seems to be working fine for me with 1.20.4 (haven't tried 1.20.3). Are you sure it's AuthWP causing this problem, and not another extension. Although I guess it's possible it's AuthWP, it seems far more likely that it's an extension that interacts with the SpecialPages functionality, which AuthWP doesn't.

You really need to look at your php error log to see why you're getting that blank screen, and what's causing it. If it still looks like AuthWP when you've got that info, please get the log to me and and see what I can do. (talkcontribs)

To narrow things down, I disabled every plugin in my LocalSettings.php file and confirmed that Special:SpecialPages was working. I then enabled AuthWP.php and it stopped working.

As far as PHP errors are concerned, I followed the guidance found on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#PHP_errors but it did not display any php errors whatsoever. I do not have access to try this in php.ini. I am kind of stuck because I am getting 0 PHP errors and I can't figure out what specifically is causing it except AuthWP.php being enabled.

I upgraded my wiki to 1.20.4 with only AuthWP.php enabled in my LocalSettings.php. I try to go to SpecialPages, it gives me a blank white page. I disable AuthWP.php and it works again.

This is a real head scratcher...I may try a fresh install with no content and only AuthWP.php. If it works, then I know something in my database is screwed up and I can just export to xml, nuke it and start over.

Thanks for the quick reply!

MikaelKorpela (talkcontribs)

I have two pretty much identical MW(1.21.5) + WP (3.9.1) setups where this is set up. Another one works just fine but another gives empty SpecialPages IF I have BuddyPress activated. Debugging this more in coming days, wish me luck! (talkcontribs)

I installed a fresh copy of 1.20.4, nuked my sql db and started fresh. This behavior still occurs...that means it must be some setting on the web host itself that is causing the issue. Any ideas? (talkcontribs)

Hello; Same problem for me.. Any Idea ? Thanks.

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