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help with making my domain visable when clicked

11 (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

If users from another PC should be able to see and use your wiki, you should not point to it with the domain name "localhost", but with the IP of the computer, on which MediaWiki is installed, or with a real domain name like "www.mediawiki.org".

You will also have to provide this domain name in one of the variables in LocalSettings.php; I think it was $wgServer. (talkcontribs)

could you give me an example of it showing thee link to an ip address (talkcontribs)

how can you detect your ip which media wiki is installed on

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You can view your IP address from your network adapter settings (in details), assuming you're using Windows. (talkcontribs)

this is my ip address but when I put it in the url it says it doesent work (talkcontribs)

hi this address wont make it visble to everyone [] please help

Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

You're using the wrong kind of IP address here; frankly, I think the installation instructions to use localhost is a very bad idea, especially on Windows (and I'm going to look to change that). and are both private IPv4 addresses that cannot be connected to by anything outside your computer or anything outside your home LAN, respectively. Your public IPv4 address is different, and should not begin with any of 192.168.*, 10.*, 172.(16-31).*, or 100.(64-128).*. It is probably the address of your home modem or router, and to make it publicly viewable, you'll need to do port forwarding.

$wgServer needs to be set to the IP address or domain name you want to serve from.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Agreed with Jasper Deng. The IP would be good if you want to serve it from the internal network (home or work) but not if you want access from the internet. You'll need to configure port forwarding from the router, but then you may have problems accessing it from the internal network. (talkcontribs)

how would I do it with bitnami

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Bitnami can't do that, you should configure this on the router. The configuration varies on each router so you should follow instructions based on your router model.

Also, be sure to enable connections to the port used by bitnami through your firewall.

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