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Topic on Extension talk:SideBarMenu/Flow


6 (talkcontribs)


I tried the SideBarMenu extension with Debian Squeeze (mediawiki 1.15, php 5.3.3), but I get the following error in apapche-logfile:

PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 4 passed to SideBarMenuHooks::renderFromTag() must
implement interface PPFrame, none given in /etc/mediawiki/extensions/SideBarMenu/SideBarMenu.hooks.php
on line 10, referer: http://foo.bar/mywiki/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar&action=edit

The parser Preprocessor.php, which should include interface PPFrame, is part of the installation. What's going wrong?

best regards, Wolfgang

Technoshamman (talkcontribs)

Would love to get this working.

Just installed

MediaWiki 1.20.2 PHP 5.3.20 (cgi-fcgi) MySQL 5.1.67-community-log

The extension works fine if used within a page. but it refuses, refuses to load int he sidebar.

I'm using the vector extension that came with this version of mediawiki

Netbrain (talkcontribs)

Despite the name, SideBarMenu was never intended to actually be placed in the sidebar. SideBarMenu was created to create a custom menu in a article or set of articles through the use of templates. However, i guess there is no good reason why you shouldn't be able to get SideBarMenu to work in the sidebar, but this is not something I myself is going to pursue. Best of luck to you. (talkcontribs)

It's disappointing that it doesn't work in the sidebar.

@Technoshamman: I'm going to look for a fix. If I'll find one I'll be sure to post it here. (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Arg it changed my entry once more:

I've found a way of getting the menu in although it's more a hack then a fix. It does work though and is more flexible.

For it to work I suggest trying the following. First off you need to change the sidebarmenus css file (I'd advise using a different class).
.sidebar-menu-container {
position: fixed; ! Fixed makes it move when you scroll. Make it absolute if you don't want it to scroll (not tested)
padding: 5px;
float: left;
clear: left;
margin: 5px;
left:-10px; !Makes sure it's as left as possible a fix for ie browsers if I'm not mistaken. top:400px; ! Change the height accordingly. I removed the existing sidebar menu all together.
z-index:100; ! Makes sure it's always in the top of the content

Now you just create a page with the menu on it and put it in the top of each page. Alternatively you could also make a template with the menu included.
Just tweak it a bit and you'll have a nice work around.
If theres anyone who fixed it properly I would be interested to know how.

Anyone who has the privilages may delete my previous post. I can't delete it myself.

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