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Topic on Talk:Gerrit/Advanced usage/Archive 2

Dereckson (talkcontribs)

S has added complicated instructions about gerrit/origin.

We are dozens of people to not have any problem. I temporarily removed these confusing instructions, and would like opinion from Git and Gerrit experts.

Here the text:

Using a "gerrit" remote consistently

Before starting with git-review you should double-check how git refers to repositories. When you clone a repository, by default git gives the remote repository the nickname origin (unless you override this with -o gerrit as the sample commands on this page do), thus most git how-tos on the web use "origin". But the git-review tool prefers to use a remote called gerrit. If you're pulling code from gerrit.wikimedia.org then "origin" and "gerrit" are equivalent, yet if you fetch or pull from one but log/show/commit to the other you'll get different results!

Here's how to fix it:

Double check the git remotes (nicknames) available
git remote -v

If it shows something like

origin	ssh://username@gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/core.git (fetch)
origin	ssh://username@gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/core.git (push)

then follow these steps.

Rename "origin" to "gerrit"
git remote rename origin gerrit

If you already try git-review, the above won't work since you will probably have "gerrit" remote already. So just remove origin:

git remote rm origin
Change the tracking branch for "git pull"

In order for "git fetch" and "git pull" to show a helpful

Your branch is behind 'gerrit/master' by 63 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.

, you need to tell your local branch (for example "master") to track "gerrit/master" instead of "origin/master":

git branch --set-upstream master gerrit/master

After this you don't need "origin" anymore and you can safely use shortcuts like "git pull" to update your working copy.

Unfortunately you must perform these steps for every project checked out, i.e. core and extensions.

Checking if everything is OK

After changes the configuration should look like:

git remote -v
gerrit	ssh://username@gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/core.git (fetch)
gerrit	ssh://username@gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/core.git (push)

git branch -vv
*master                                  abad0ee [gerrit/master: behind 53] Some comment

Should we let this section removed or should I add it again?

Saper (talkcontribs)

This was written in response to particular user coming to IRC asking for help. I think it should be on the wiki, maybe in the separate article linked from general instructions and some troubleshooting page.

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