That page doesn't say anything useful.
I've made an example configuration for using to be able to specify a lockManager, based on what's posted on WPI/WindowsAzureStorage.
But anyway, having to specify all of this just to set the LockManager seems a bit overcomplicated.
Try this configuration and let us know if it works, to put it on the docs. Note that I haven't tested it:
// Create a local backend with a null lock manager
$wgFileBackends[] = array(
'name' => 'local-backend',
'class' => 'FSFileBackend',
'lockManager' => 'nullLockManager',
'containerPaths' => array(
'local-public' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}",
'local-thumb' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}/thumb",
'local-transcoded' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}/transcoded",
'local-deleted' => $wgDeletedDirectory,
'local-temp' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}/temp",
'fileMode' => 0644,
// Define a standard file repository that uses the local backend defined before
$wgLocalFileRepo = array (
'class' => 'LocalRepo',
'name' => 'local',
'directory' => $wgUploadDirectory,
'scriptDirUrl' => $wgScriptPath,
'scriptExtension' => $wgScriptExtension,
'url' => $wgUploadBaseUrl ? $wgUploadBaseUrl . $wgUploadPath : $wgUploadPath,
'hashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgThumbnailScriptPath,
'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
'deletedDir' => $wgDeletedDirectory,
'deletedHashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 3 : 0,
'backend' => 'local-backend',