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Topic on Extension talk:PageAttachment/Flow

PageAttachement does not set filelinks?

Larryc (talkcontribs)

I noticed that PageAttachment does not set the filelinks (backlinks) on file pages. Example: Suppose I attach abc.jpg to page XYZ using PageAttachement. If I go to the page for abc.jpg (File:abc.jpg), I would expect to see XYZ listed under File Links (which are the pages linking to this particular file.) However, PageAttachment does not appear to allow mediawiki to generate these backlinks.

Would this be an easy patch/fix? (I'm not a coder). (I should note that I'm using pageattachment 1.4 as my server is only running MW 1.17. Is this feature available in newer versions of PageAttachment?)

Aldrin (talkcontribs)
Larryc (talkcontribs)
Aldrin (talkcontribs)

Hi Larryc:

It is now fixed. Check compatibility section and download the version that is suitable for your installation.

Sincerely yours,

Larryc (talkcontribs)

Thanks Aldrin. The update works (thanks!), but a nitpick (I love to test edge-cases):

If you run the Mediawiki maintenance script maintenance/refreshLinks.php, it removes the backlinks that your extension creates. You can repair this by running YOUR maintenance script PageAttachment/maintenance/AddMissingFileLinks.php. I think it would make sense to explicitly note this in the documentation.

Aldrin (talkcontribs)

Hi Larry:

I think nitpicking is good when it is for a good cause :-)

Thanks for pointing the issue out. I'll make a note of this in the downloads and will create a section on known issues.

By the way, did a quick check and I think this can be fixed, not 100% sure though. Do you mind opening a bug report so that it stays on my radar. As soon as I get sometime, will investigate it further and try to come up with a fix.

Sincerely yours,

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