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Topic on Talk:Flow Portal/Archive2

Will Flow be for user talk pages ''only''?

David1217 (talkcontribs)

Will Flow be replacing only user talk pages, or will it replace other talk pages as well? And if it's user talk only, will LiquidThreads ever be revived? Or is something completely different going to happen? And while I'm asking questions—will regular user talk pages continue to exist?

Jorm (WMF) (talkcontribs)

(Sorry for the late reply)

Initially, we are focusing on user-to-user discussions because they are . . ."simpler". Article and policy discussions are a different kind of beast.

LiquidThreads is probably dead, I'm sorry to say. This is an attempt at an easier alternative. We will likely visit article and policy discussions in the future, but only after we have seen how Flow discussions work with users. We'll want to take what we learn from that and apply it forward.

As far as regular user talk pages remaining: probably not. We are investigating scenarios for this, but my current thinking is that retaining them alongside Flow Boards will be an extremely confusing user experience.

David1217 (talkcontribs)

So you will be implementing Flow on user talk pages only at first, then adopting Flow for other discussions later?

Jorm (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Possibly, if the model works and is beneficial. Other types of discussions have different dynamics and we need to make sure we are meeting their needs.