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Topic on Extension talk:Negref/Flow

Negref.php is not compatible with MediaWiki 1.19

Eloy.wikia (talkcontribs)


I just find out that Negref extension is not compatible with mediawiki 1.19 because of:

$keys = array_keys( $parser->mStripState->general->getArray() );

StripState does not have 'general'. It has:

$this->data = array(
   'nowiki' => array(),
   'general' => array()

but data is protected. So there's no way to access it outside Parser class. I wonder if You have maybe working version for 1.19?

Dantman (talkcontribs)

No, I haven't. MW may need some tweaks for this extension.

Though, I'm starting to wonder. How much stuff exists that would be in the stripstate but you'd even want to allow into a [[...]]. Theoretically you might be able to get away with redoing negref simply using unstripGeneral and making it... nowait, nevermind. Negref splices the content so you can't simply unstrip. (talkcontribs)

Marked Negref incompatible with MediaWiki 1.19 until this gets fixed.

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