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Fatal error: Class '__user' not found in /home/mijunkin/public_html/example.com/forum/includes/session.php on line 1501

Mijunkin~mediawikiwiki (talkcontribs)

That is all I am getting when going to my wiki. Everything is configured per the instructions. No, I don't have it pointed to example.com, I just changed it for privacy. Help?

This post was posted by Mijunkin~mediawikiwiki, but signed as Mijunkin.

GregariousJB (talkcontribs)

This is the error I'm getting, too, although now it's on a different line:

Fatal error: Class '__user' not found in D:\wamp\www\phpbb\includes\session.php on line 1507

Mediawiki 1.23.5 phpBB 3.0.12

Google is not bringing up anything but this page. Any help out there?

EDIT: Nevermind, found the problem. I copy/pasted the "replace with" box incorrectly and didn't include the changed "class __user extends session" line at the bottom.
Reply to "Fatal error: Class '__user' not found in /home/mijunkin/public_html/example.com/forum/includes/session.php on line 1501"