Doing a "git push-for-review" (we are working on windows meaning that this phyton script thing is a no/go, so instead using we are using the manual setup setting the alias before push to "git config alias.push-for-review "push origin HEAD:refs/for/bug37446") results in nothing more than:
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4) To ssh:// ormats.git ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/bug37446 (branch bug37446 not found) error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh:// iawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats.git'
We create a branch bug37446, did the rebase, and checked that the SSH key is working (we are able to execute "ssh -p 29418").
The questions that are left what does this error mean and how do we resolve this? (Personally I use github for quite a while and I hadn't had any issues with git but this gerrit setup is somehow confusing.)