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Topic on Extension talk:Realnames/Flow

Not works on 'RecentChanges', 'ListUser' and 'History of page' pages

7 (talkcontribs)

I install the extension with these parameters, but it doesn't work on 'RecentChanges', 'ListUser' and 'History of page' pages. I see my full name and user name in the top right menu after I log in.

require_once("$IP/extensions/Realnames/Realnames.php"); $wgRealnamesLinkStyle = "reverse"; $wgRealnamesBareStyle = "reverse"; $wgRealnamesBlank = true;

System parameters MediaWiki: 1.18.1 PHP: 5.3.10 (cgi-fcgi) MySQL: 5.5.21

What will be the problem?

Thx for the answers


Syserr0r (talkcontribs)

On line 353 of Realnames.body.php replace:

 $pattern = '/(<a\b[^">]+href="[^">]+'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().'([^"\\?\\&>]+)[^>]+>)'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().'?([^>]+)(<\\/a>)/';


 $pattern = '/(<a\b(?:(?!href=")[^">]+[^>]+)?[^">]+href="[^">]+'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().'([^"\?\&>]+)[^>]+>)'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().'?(?:\<bdi\>)?([^>]+)(?:\<\/bdi\>)?(<\/a>)/';
Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

2 years late, but should now be fixed for 1.31 LTS! Thanks! This is what was causing problems on the RecentChanges pages! (talkcontribs)

I have my wiki set up in Dutch language, but for some reason the function static::getNamespacePrefixes() returns (?:User:|User talk:|Gebruiker|Overleg_gebruiker). Notice the absence of : after Gebruiker and Overleg_gebruiker.. I had to replace the pattern with:

$pattern = '/(<a\b(?:(?!href=")[^">]+[^>]+)?[^">]+href="[^">]+'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().':?([^"\?\&>]+)[^>]+>)'.static::getNamespacePrefixes().'?:?(?:\<bdi\>)?([^>]+)(?:\<\/bdi\>)?(<\/a>)/';

But I'm not a regex wizard, so I hope this won't break anything..

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

2 years late, but should now be fixed for 1.31 LTS!

Reply to "Not works on 'RecentChanges', 'ListUser' and 'History of page' pages"