After migraging to MediaWiki 1.19.0 SphinxSearch 0.85 does not work on the Spechial:Search page anymore (no results). The sidebar Search works.
After logging the searchd with --console, you found a message "query error: no such filter attribute 'page_is_redirect'" in the console. I searched this text and found it in 'SphinxMWSearch.php'. I change the line
$cl->SetFilter( 'page_is_redirect', array( 0 ) );
// $cl->SetFilter( 'page_is_redirect', array( 0 ) );
and everything works (for me).
I also change the method 'userHighlightPrefs' to
public static function userHighlightPrefs() {return array( 2, 75 ); }
because the the definition changed (and I got warning when I activated "$wgShowExceptionDetails" in LocalSettings.php).
I hope this helps others fixing the same problems.