"Finally, upload pages under 'pages' folder and 'groups' folder to your site." < This needs clarification, please. Simply uploading these files to the /mw/ root or /extensions/ has no effect. Adam Edgington 22:50, 23 January 2012 (UTC)
Topic on Extension talk:SemanticAccessControl/Flow
Update that section. Please modify it directly to make it clear if you still think it is unclear.
Jason, for future revisions, you could look into importing/exporting these pages from MediaWiki XML dumps to make it easier. Just a thought.
Could you provide step by step instruction on how to add the pages manually? Or provide reference on how to use the wikibot?
Please download wikibot.pl and try wikibot.pl --help. The help gives out complete information for how to use it. Adding all the page manually is painful process. For each page, create the page with the filename as title, paste file content as page content and click save. -jason
Hello, I am quite new to programming and SMW, and I am experiencing difficulties with installing this extension manually. I could not login to view the demo, since I can't create an account on http://demo.flexdms.com.
As you suggested, I created pages for all the properties (with 'create property'), forms, templates and categories (also with create form/template/category), since I found no possibility for a function in SMW 'create a page' under special pages. Afterwards I manually edited these pages with the appropriate content. These steps were successful.
The problem I have, is, should I use 'create category' to create the pages 'Project ACL' and 'Project User Group'? How should they be added?
I would appreciate any help. Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards
This post was posted by Freckle, but signed as
For demo, you do not need to create User account. Just use provided user account. The Main_Page has the test account and password.
I updated the distribution. Right now you can use Special:Import to import all the pages. This makes life much easier. Check updated documentation.
Thank you for your very kind support.