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Topic on Talk:Continuous integration/Flow

Questions and wishlist items regarding the TestSwarm setup

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)
  • Can we bring back the leaderboards / projects links from Timo's setup? Either way http://integration.mediawiki.org/testswarm/user/MediaWiki/ is not discoverable from the main page right now.
  • It would also be nice for the page to have a Wikimedia-appropriate skin and intro text.
  • Browsers: How about adding Android 3.0/4.0 and all versions of Firefox Mobile?

Looks great overall and look forward to seeing the new JSTesting branch deployed as well.

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Eloquence.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

SeaMonkey (gecko 5.0 win7) isn't tested as well, but I doubt many people use it.

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Sumurai8.

Krinkle (talkcontribs)

I think we should keep the install on integration.mediawiki.org clean from patches. I have commit access to the TestSwarm repository and there is a wiki and issue tracker for it as well as active pullers for pull requests.

  • The leader boards I did on the Toolserver install do not scale well. Part of them were once part of TestSwarm but were removed for performance reasons as it was causing time-outs on jQuery's install of TestSwarm. I copied them to my install but they are now starting to slow down load time for my install as well. This needs a more cached solution. Probably a QueryCache-like table that is periodically ran, and option to not cache it for small installs. There are proposals on the jQuery Testing Team wiki, and testswarm issue #71 for the scores leaderboard.
  • The list of projects was hardcoded on the Toolserver. TestSwarm doesn't distinguish between projects and users. Every user that is registered and knows it's authentication token can submit jobs. Simple solution would be a config variable with an array of usernames that should be promoted as projects on the home page.
  • No support for skins, i18n or texts yet.
  • User agents are in useragents.sql.
Krinkle (talkcontribs)

Note that TestSwarm does not intend to be like Jenkins.

Features around "overview", "timeline" and "notification" are really a job for Jenkins and there is a TestSwarm-Jenkins plugin in the works that allows Jenkins to fetch build information from TestSwarm. jQuery was using this as well, right now it's offline for further perfection and development as there were some bugs. I think we should install that plugin too as soon as it's usable.

TestSwarm is very much focussed for the distribution and automation of the unit tests, and doing that very well. The front-end doesn't have much priority, although it does have some overviews, it's not very elaborate.

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