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Topic on Talk:MediaWiki 1.18/Flow

A reference in a model does not work

2 (talkcontribs)


I'm sorry for the bad English, this text is translated, I only speak French.

Since I moved from version 1.17 to version 1.18, when I put a tag <ref> in a template, I do not obtain, example, text[1],

but something more like, example, text[UNIQ3e899f9b5c8f874-nowiki-00000002-QINU1UNIQ3e899f9b5c8f874-nowiki-00000003-QINU].

You can see an example on this page.

Where the source of that error?
This does not derive from templates or extensions. Thank you

Champagne (talkcontribs)

I forgot in the message: the same page with the same models on a mediawiki 1.17 on this page

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