SOLVED: Problem was that the directorys were owned by the user apache instead of nobody, which was actually the webserver-user.
Hello everyone,
I´ve installed ZF and the Zendsearchlucene for Mediawiki extension.
The index-process runs smoothly and without an error.
Problem is, that I get a blank page as soon as I hit the search button. No error-message and no hint what´s wrong.
Here´s my config:
Webroot is /opt/lampp/htdocs (+/mediawiki as symlink to mw installation path /opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki_1.17.0)
ZendF resides in /opt/lampp/zend/
The relevant parts of the config are:
Index Config
$GuiFlag = 0;
$wikisArray[0]['xmlSource'] = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/internal_current.xml";
$wikisArray[0]['indexName'] = "wikidb_internal";
$wikisArray[0]['maintenanceScript'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php";
$wikisArray[0]['mediaDir'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images";// maybe httpdocs/images/ if img_auth.php not in use
#$wikisArray[1]['xmlSource'] = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/sysdoc_current.xml";
#$wikisArray[1]['indexName'] = "wikidb_sysdoc";
#$wikisArray[1]['maintenanceScript'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php";
#$wikisArray[1]['mediaDir'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images/";// maybe httpdocs/images/ if img_auth.php not in use
@preg_match_all("/(Windows)(.*?)/", $_SERVER['OS'], $matched, PREG_SET_ORDER);
/* an index dir above web root */
$indexDirName = "psl_search_indexes";
$PhpExecutionStringUnix = "/opt/lampp/bin/php -c /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini";
$PhpExecutionStringWindows = "c:\\xampp\\php\\php.exe ";
$email = [mailto:info@my.reporting-mailadress.ork info@my.reporting-mailadress.ork];
/* file formats which will be indexed */
$additionalFileFormatsArray = array('pdf','docx','xlsx','pptx','sql','vnd','txt','xml','xmlx','csv');
if(count($matched) > 0 ):
/* modify this to fit your needs, if you are on windows */
$webServerUser = "";
$webServerUserGroup = "";
$zendFrameworkLibraryPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs/ZF/library";
$zendLogPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\".$indexDirName."\\";
$applicationPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs";
/* modify this to fit your needs, if you are on unix */
$webServerUser = "apache";
$webServerUserGroup = "apache";
$zendFrameworkLibraryPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/library";
$zendLogPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/".$indexDirName."/";
$applicationPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/";
Local-settings from Mediawiki
/* Configuration Zend Search Lucene for MediaWiki - Start */ $PslDomainDir = "internal"; $PslPhpExecutionStringUnix = "/opt/lampp/bin/php -c /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini "; $PslMaintenancePath = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/"; $PslXmlPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/".$PslDomainDir."_current.xml"; $wgPslZslAdminUseAutoReIndex = false; $wgPslZslAdminDefaultEmail = "<your email address>"; $wgPslZslAdminDumpString = $PslPhpExecutionStringUnix.$PslMaintenancePath."dumpBackup.php --current --quiet --uploads > ".$PslXmlPath; $wgPslZslAdminMediaDir = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images/"; $wgPslZslAdminReIndexString = $PslPhpExecutionStringUnix."/opt/lampp/zend/PslZendSearchLuceneIndexer.php ".$PslXmlPath." wikidb_".$PslDomainDir." ". $PslMaintenancePath."dumpBackup.php"; require_once( "$IP/extensions/PslZslAdmin/PslZslAdmin.php"); $wgSearchType = 'PslZendSearchLucene'; $wgPslEnableSuggestions = true;//enables suggestions $wgPslEnableStopWords = false;//enables stop words $wgPslStopWords = array('aber','als','am','an'); $wgPslImagePath = []; $wgPslWikiUrl = ""; $wgPslEntriesPerPage = 20; $wgPslUtf8DecodeResults = false;//utf8-hint for related display issues, (play around with this if needed) $wgPslIndexDir = "/opt/lampp/zend/psl_search_indexes/wikidb_".$PslDomainDir; $wgPslZendLibraryDir = "/opt/lampp/zend/library/"; $wgPslEnablePopularSearches = true;//requires table-create rights for MediaWikis db-account $wgPslPopularSearchesHistory = 365;//data remains 365 days $wgPslProtectPopularSearches = false;// $wgPslHighlightColor = "#ff6900"; $wgPslEnabaleDebugMode = false;//debug mode $wgPslEnableSuggestions = true;//enables suggestions $wgPslEnableFileSearch = true;//enables file search $wgPslEnablePsIpTracking = false;//enables ip tracking for geo lacation services etc. (currently not implemented) $wgPslEnableAnonKey = true;//anonymous key for science $wgPslHistoryEntries = 30;//history entries per page $wgPslHistoryMiniStat = true; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searchlimit';//this entries are disabling no more needed user preferences of the old/default search $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'contextlines'; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'contextchars'; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'disablesuggest'; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searcheverything'; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searchnamespaces'; $wgPslEnableUserInHistory = false;//enhanced knowledge management feature could tackle your country specific law! require_once( "$IP/extensions/PslZendSearchLucene/PslZendSearchLucene.php"); /* Configuration Zend Search Lucene for MediaWiki - End */
Anyone an idea? I already tried several combinations of paths but none would work.
Greetings, and thanks in advance...