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Topic on Extension talk:Zend Search Lucene for MediaWiki/Flow

Blank page when searching

2 (talkcontribs)

SOLVED: Problem was that the directorys were owned by the user apache instead of nobody, which was actually the webserver-user.

Hello everyone,

I´ve installed ZF and the Zendsearchlucene for Mediawiki extension.

The index-process runs smoothly and without an error.

Problem is, that I get a blank page as soon as I hit the search button. No error-message and no hint what´s wrong.

Here´s my config:

Webroot is /opt/lampp/htdocs (+/mediawiki as symlink to mw installation path /opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki_1.17.0)

ZendF resides in /opt/lampp/zend/

The relevant parts of the config are:

Index Config

$GuiFlag = 0;

$wikisArray[0]['xmlSource'] = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/internal_current.xml";
$wikisArray[0]['indexName'] = "wikidb_internal";
$wikisArray[0]['maintenanceScript'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php";
$wikisArray[0]['mediaDir'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images";// maybe httpdocs/images/ if img_auth.php not in use

#$wikisArray[1]['xmlSource'] = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/sysdoc_current.xml";
#$wikisArray[1]['indexName'] = "wikidb_sysdoc";
#$wikisArray[1]['maintenanceScript'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php";
#$wikisArray[1]['mediaDir'] = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images/";// maybe httpdocs/images/ if img_auth.php not in use



@preg_match_all("/(Windows)(.*?)/", $_SERVER['OS'], $matched, PREG_SET_ORDER);

/* an index dir above web root */

	$indexDirName = "psl_search_indexes";
	$PhpExecutionStringUnix = "/opt/lampp/bin/php -c /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini";
	$PhpExecutionStringWindows = "c:\\xampp\\php\\php.exe ";

	$email = [mailto:info@my.reporting-mailadress.ork info@my.reporting-mailadress.ork];

/* file formats which will be indexed */
$additionalFileFormatsArray = array('pdf','docx','xlsx','pptx','sql','vnd','txt','xml','xmlx','csv');

if(count($matched) > 0 ):
/* modify this to fit your needs, if you are on windows */

	$webServerUser = "";
	$webServerUserGroup = "";
	$zendFrameworkLibraryPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs/ZF/library";
	$zendLogPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\".$indexDirName."\\";
	$applicationPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs";


/* modify this to fit your needs, if you are on unix */

	$webServerUser = "apache";
	$webServerUserGroup = "apache";
	$zendFrameworkLibraryPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/library";
	$zendLogPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/".$indexDirName."/";
	$applicationPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/";

Local-settings from Mediawiki

/* Configuration Zend Search Lucene for MediaWiki - Start */
$PslDomainDir = "internal";
$PslPhpExecutionStringUnix = "/opt/lampp/bin/php -c /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini ";
$PslMaintenancePath = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/maintenance/";
$PslXmlPath = "/opt/lampp/zend/sources/".$PslDomainDir."_current.xml";

$wgPslZslAdminUseAutoReIndex = false;
$wgPslZslAdminDefaultEmail = "<your email address>";
$wgPslZslAdminDumpString = $PslPhpExecutionStringUnix.$PslMaintenancePath."dumpBackup.php --current --quiet --uploads > ".$PslXmlPath;
$wgPslZslAdminMediaDir = "/opt/lampp/htdocs/mediawiki/images/";
$wgPslZslAdminReIndexString = $PslPhpExecutionStringUnix."/opt/lampp/zend/PslZendSearchLuceneIndexer.php ".$PslXmlPath." wikidb_".$PslDomainDir." ". $PslMaintenancePath."dumpBackup.php";

require_once( "$IP/extensions/PslZslAdmin/PslZslAdmin.php");

$wgSearchType = 'PslZendSearchLucene';
$wgPslEnableSuggestions = true;//enables suggestions
$wgPslEnableStopWords = false;//enables stop words
$wgPslStopWords = array('aber','als','am','an');
$wgPslImagePath = [];

$wgPslWikiUrl = "";
$wgPslEntriesPerPage = 20;
$wgPslUtf8DecodeResults = false;//utf8-hint for related display issues, (play around with this if needed)
$wgPslIndexDir = "/opt/lampp/zend/psl_search_indexes/wikidb_".$PslDomainDir;
$wgPslZendLibraryDir = "/opt/lampp/zend/library/";
$wgPslEnablePopularSearches = true;//requires table-create rights for MediaWikis db-account
$wgPslPopularSearchesHistory = 365;//data remains 365 days
$wgPslProtectPopularSearches = false;//
$wgPslHighlightColor = "#ff6900";
$wgPslEnabaleDebugMode = false;//debug mode
$wgPslEnableSuggestions = true;//enables suggestions
$wgPslEnableFileSearch = true;//enables file search
$wgPslEnablePsIpTracking = false;//enables ip tracking for geo lacation services etc. (currently not implemented)
$wgPslEnableAnonKey = true;//anonymous key for science
$wgPslHistoryEntries = 30;//history entries per page
$wgPslHistoryMiniStat = true;

$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searchlimit';//this entries are disabling no more needed user preferences of the old/default search
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'contextlines';
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'contextchars';
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'disablesuggest';
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searcheverything';
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'searchnamespaces';
$wgPslEnableUserInHistory = false;//enhanced knowledge management feature could tackle your country specific law!
require_once( "$IP/extensions/PslZendSearchLucene/PslZendSearchLucene.php");
/* Configuration Zend Search Lucene for MediaWiki - End */

Anyone an idea? I already tried several combinations of paths but none would work.

Greetings, and thanks in advance...


Nick1092 (talkcontribs)

EDIT: Sorry, i think your problem is different, miss read your problem, mine is no search result but i think
yours is no access to folder .


How did you fix your problem? I think i got the same problem as you
There's no search result even if i search for a test topic inside my mediawiki
I've already set webuser and webusergroup to apache, which is the directory owner of my wiki at the moment
or is the webuser.. my database admin id?

Thanks in advance.


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