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Topic on Extension talk:HTMLets/Flow

Not working with PHP 5.3.x

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

When trying to use this extension with PHP 5.3.0, the following error occurs:

Warning: Parameter 3 to wfRenderHTMLet() expected to be a reference, value given in /.../w/includes/parser/Parser.php on line 3243

Any help would be appreciated. Thx

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Tommy us Kölle.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

I can confirm that, I have exactly the same problem (line 3243) under PHP 5.3.1 now! So I have put away the Probably from the title. ;-)

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Master on EN.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

I can confirm too. Can someone please take a look at this?

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as ToreN.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)
Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

Hello Daniel, with 1.17 you mean the next release of MediaWiki, correct?

After updating to XAMPP 1.7.7 with PHP 5.3.8 and MediaWiki 1.17.0 I again got the same problem, just on another line:

Warning: Parameter 3 to wfRenderHTMLet() expected to be a reference, value given in ...\includes\parser\Parser.php on line 3470

Then I downloaded the last version of the extension and replaced the previous version and added the necessary line ($wgHTMLetsDirectory = "$IP/htmlets";) to the LocalSettings.php and now it works fine again, at least for me!

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as WikipediaMaster.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Affirmative. After upgrade to PHP 5.3.8 this extension stopped working (same error message). (MW 1.17.0) I guess I will file a bug. Cheers

Edit: Done with bug 32714

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Shame on me. I moved the freshly downloaded extension to the wrong wiki. :( This is actually working with PHP 5.3.8. Case closed since r67215 did the job. Thank you for the fix and Cheers

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