How do I get the OpenID login link in my sidebar, and the return link, to be under the short URL http://my.domain/wiki/ rather than http://my.domain/w/index.php? I already have all the rest of my pages under http://my.domain/wiki/ by following the short URL instructions, but the OpenID login link and the return link aren't. This causes a problem because the default TrustRoot is http://my.domain/wiki/, which mis-matches with the return link. I tried changing the TrustRoot to http://my.domain/w/index.php, but that caused more problems because of URL-encoding of the ? that appeared in the return link... this confused the Janrain library.
MediaWiki 1.15.5-1 PHP 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5 (apache2handler) MySQL 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1 OpenID (Version 0.8.4dev)
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