Hello Lisa, I am the skin creator/extension handler for the Wizard101Central Wiki. I'm a huge fan of you and your work.
I see that you are developing an extension for editing forms. I am looking for a decent extension that is similar to the OC form extensions. Basically, on our wiki, every page is created entirely by infoboxes that we created. These are also separated by custom namespaces.
I was wondering if your extension will fit our needs and what the status on it is. What we need is to have a form per namespace. In each form, have fields for each parameter in the template. Our users are of the younger audience and wiki code is too advanced for them.
I have been attempting to modify the OC extensions to fit our templates but am having little luck (I'm not a php programmer... yet...). I hope to hear from you soon about this extension and it's capabilities.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message.