Im adding: $egMapsOLAvailableLayers['worldwind'] = array('OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind("esat", "http://localhost:8484/", 36, 4, {T:"bmng.topo.bathy.200406"})'); to my LocalSettings.php but, im not getting hits on my local worldwind WMS, using {{#display_map:84.0,-60.0 |service=openlayers |layers=worldwind }} in the wiki. Any Ideas? Ill start firebugging......
Topic on Extension talk:Semantic Maps/Flow
Which version of Maps are you using? The obvious place to start debugging would be simply checking the page source, and see if the JavaScript is there correctly.
Im using Maps v064 and JS looks OK?!
function() { initOpenLayer( 'open_layer_1', -60, 84, 13, [new OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind("esat", "http://loclahost:8484/", {layers:"esat"})], ['layerswitcher','mouseposition','autopanzoom','scaleline','navigation'], [], 'en' );
I'm not an OpenLayers guy, so can't really help you with this. I suggest you poke some OL people about it. If it turns out the extension is messing something up, let me know, then I'll fix.
If I change the $egMapsOLAvailableLayers to use an OpenLayers.Layer.WMS constructor, I can get hits on my WMS. So ill poke around in the OL code. thanks