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Template:Recommended Steps to Participate for Outreach Programs Mentors

From mediawiki.org

 Before the program


During the program

  1. Set development & communication plans with your mentee. Aim to get a Minimum viable product (MVP) out the door and fine-tune plans as needed. Set aside time in your schedule for a weekly video check-in meeting with your mentee to help them stay on track.
  2. Help host new coding projects developed during the program on Wikimedia GitLab; Wikimedia is actively migrating all its repositories from Gerrit To GitLab. Be it any code hosting platform, ensure the code repository is public and available under an official global or local technical community account. This will not only give interns' contributions more visibility that they can add to their portfolio, but it will also be easier to maintain the project or bring more contributions to it easily in the future. Similarly, for documentation projects, ensure that no content remains on user pages before the internship ends.
  3. Encourage your mentee to submit new changes (for code, documentation, etc.) for review often, ideally every alternate day. Spend some time every few days reviewing their work and giving feedback.
  4. Encourage your mentee to submit bi-weekly reports and share project updates frequently on relevant wiki pages, Phabricator tasks, Zulip channels, etc.
  5. Involve your mentee in a local or global wiki community by introducing them to various projects & initiatives, how to get involved, connecting, and helping build relationships with fellow interns, staff and community members, etc.
  6. Before the program ends, make sure to document any open tasks, file known bugs or merge leftover code.

After the program

  1. Share project outcomes in relevant communication channels (mailing lists, social media, chat channels, etc.)
  2. Share any lessons learned or ideas for improving outreach program documentation with organization administrators
  3. Recommend the next steps with your mentee for staying involved as a contributor in the project or community.