Toto je snímek obrazovky softwaru MediaWiki. MediaWiki jako celek je licencován pod GNU General Public License verze 2 nebo vyšší (GPLv2+). Prohlédněte si text GNU General Public License verze 2 na https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Oficiální loga Wikimedia Foundation, pokud jsou obsažena na tomto snímku obrazovky, jsou autorsky chráněna a licencována pod licencí CC BY-SA 3.0. Tento snímek obrazovky také obsahuje další obsah, který není součástí rozhraní MediaWiki, jak je popsáno výše. Na to se vztahuje následující licence: Není specifikována žádná licence! Zkontrolujte, prosím, podrobnosti a opravte je. |
Template documentation
- CONTENT is used to specify what other content is visible in the screenshot, and should be replaced with one of the following values:
- none - there is no content, or all content is part of the MediaWiki user-interface.
- wikipedia - The screenshot is of a Wikipedia page.
- gfdl - The content is released under the GFDL license (but is not Wikipedia content).
- free - The content is released under any other 'free or open source' license (not GFDL). In this case you can use the 'free' parameter to indicate a template to be used (see below).
- unfree - The content is proprietary and is not distributed under any 'free or open source' license.
- Any other value will cause the image to be placed in Category:MW screenshots with unspecified content and will need fixing.
- SKIN is used to specify which skin is being used in the screenshot:
- none - No skin-specific content is visible (which is unlikely...)
- One of the following built-in skins: vector (the default skin), otherwise chick , classic , cologneblue , modern , monobook , myskin , nostalgia , simple . (note standard also exists as an alias for classic)
- Any other value will cause the image to be placed in Category:MW screenshots with no skin specified and will need fixing.
- FREE is an optional parameter, only used if content=free. In this case, the parameter names a template to be used to specify the license (don't include the curly brackets). For example: free=PD.