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Technical Community Newsletter/2023/July

From mediawiki.org

Notes on this issue


The Wikimedia Technical Community Newsletter shares highlights and news from the past quarter and information about events coming up in the next quarter.

Got something to highlight in the next quarterly newsletter? Add your suggestion to the talk page.



What's new

  • The RealMe extension was deployed on Wikimedia wikis. It allows marking your Mastodon user profile link as verified.
  • The unmaintained and dysfunctional GWToolset extension got removed from Wikimedia Commons.
  • Bot operators, tool maintainers, gadget and script writers, and other developers should schedule time in the coming months to test and update their code for IP masking. The new policy and an associated FAQ contain information about which users are allowed to access the IP addresses of temporary accounts. IP masking will not be deployed to any content wiki until at least October 2023.
  • mediawiki.org is now hosted on the Mediawiki-on-Kubernetes infrastructure.

Conferences and meetups


Community metrics (Phabricator and Gerrit)

  • Number of tasks created in Q2/2023: 7166
  • Number of tasks closed in Q2/2023: 7151
  • Number of different people who created tasks in Q2/2023: 1028
  • Number of different people who closed tasks in Q2/2023: 490

Recent blog posts


Read on techblog.wikimedia.org about:

Read on diff.wikimedia.org/category/technology about:

Do you have a project or initiative that you would like to write about for the Wikimedia Tech Blog? Read the editorial guidelines to learn about what would make a good story and how to get published!

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