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Team Practices Group/Goals/FY2016Q2

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The Team Practices Group (TPG) was dissolved in 2017.

Quarterly Goals

Goal Milestones ETA Dependency Status

Goal 1 - FOCUS

Improved metrics for product project forecasting

Burn-up charts actively used by three teams

EOQ Teams TBD  Yes Done

Five teams sample their maintenance fraction and two teams track it throughout the quarter

EOQ Teams TBD Yes Done

Team Practices Group achieves consensus on the team’s strategy.

Defined and documented strategy for the Team Practices Group EOQ COO, engineering management, possibly others TBD through strategy definition process N Not done 
Goal 3 - Experiment

Determine whether or not we can drive changes to Phabricator to enhance its usability as a project management tool in an environment with diverse workflows and data-driven needs.

  1. Five high-priority project management-related Phabricator feature requests upstreamed
EOQ ECT, RelEng, Phacility (external to WMF)  Yes Done

Standing Goals

Goal Milestones ETA Dependency Status
Providing dedicated resourcing for a team's Scrum Master (or similar) role.
  • Agile Coach for Analytics for Q2
  • Agile Coach for Community Tech for Q2
  • Agile Coach for Design Research for Q2
  • Agile Coach for Discovery for Q2
  • Agile Coach for Research & Data for Q2
  • Agile Coach for VisualEditor for Q2
  • ScrumMaster for Android for Q2
  • ScrumMaster for iOS for Q2
  • ScrumMaster for Fundraising Tech for Q2
  • ScrumMaster for Reading Web for Q2
  • Agile Coach for Reading Leadership for Q2
Yes Done
Mentorship and support for people in the Scrum Master (or similar) role.
Ad-hoc team/individual process coaching. Work Breakdown aspect of SPDPP piloted for three teams In progress In progress
Answer residual MPL questions In progress In progress
Ad hoc meetings with Edward In progress In progress
Facilitation for WMF Strategy ("platypus") process for Q2 EOQ Yes Done
Facilitate Discovery Offsite Yes Done
Facilitate Product Group Strategy Process, including Q2 Offsite Yes Done
Facilitate Reading Web Offsite Yes Done
Facilitate Reading Strategy Process Yes Done
Team Health Checks Rethink Health Check In progress In progress
Scale Team Practices Group.
  • TPG Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) Q2
  • TPG Management Transition
Yes Done
Other work that advances TPG goals but doesn't have a tidy goal. Continued efforts in Testing Initiative 2015 and Onboarding component In progress In progress
Ad hoc Phab documentation improvements In progress In progress