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Talk:Wikimedia Hackathon 2020

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Online-Version of the Hackathon

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)

Are there plans to make an Onlineversion of the Hackathon. A Wikidataweekend in June of this year happens in that way and in Germany there was a big Hackathon the WirvsVirusHackathon two weeks ago and I think it is something what is also a way to do it with that Hackathon.

Wizkid49 (talkcontribs)

Yes I think.

I interesting to participate into this Hackathon.

Thank you so much

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)

That is great. How should the Online-Version of this Hackathon look like. I created a subpage and if you want I can also create a Etherpad then you can add Ideas how the Hackathon should look like. User:Hogü-456/Wikimedia-Online-Hackathon 2020

TheDJ (talkcontribs)
Wizkid49 (talkcontribs)

Great Idea!!! Thanks

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Travel preparations & Corona

OlafJanssen (talkcontribs)

In the light of the corona situation, would the organisation advise participants to wait with making travel arrangements (booking flights & hotels) until the final go/nogo for the event has been decided upon? The assumption I make here is that booking earlier = lower prices

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