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Thanks for your feedback about the new way of visualizing differences of changes to pages on MediaWiki-based projects. All comments are read, in any language, but personal replies are not guaranteed: the team will try and go through reports here at least once a week. Need more attention? Report a new bug directly in Phabricator


J.zht (talkcontribs)

en.Wikimedia.org it User Papes callable User:UBX/WikiKittencompatible user language Bable Graphical template{{#Bable|User language:zh-N}} The code above is just an example exist Wikimedia.org is OK , but the Mata-wikimedia.org user pages I can't find the same layout UBX/Wikikitten no such user No such template Error parameter when this symbol code{?} Is cross-platform data unacceptable?

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

It should be spelled #babel, not #bable.

J.zht (talkcontribs)

hello i am working on meta wiki I was just talking to another mainframe 98 about this issue,I am using my mobile phone to log in It's always been like this I participated in the global project two years ago After the unified authorization, I now use the browser to open a total of three pages a meta wiki one at the Wikimedia Foundation I'm going to have to log in again here when I get a notification Let's not talk about whether the extended tools are useful or not The main thing is have you ever thought that many of them are just like me Just reading and not editing When we look for information, we are hyperlinked to another project I'm discussing with you now website basic UI and UX,If you're interested I can give you more screenshots for you to take a look at Good luck with your work

J.zht (talkcontribs)

I said that was just an example I am not someone who grew up with English education, I must not remember the words I was born in 1978I never learned a second language until two years ago Because my work doesn't need it Contains basic paperwork,I ask the administrative department in the company to type out whatever documents my clients need.I only provide what the client wants me to help them plan Maybe I'm not very good at paperwork and computers But no department where I'm out there with clients is better at it than me That's why there is an accounting department, administration department, and every company is this structure.JcMamdy(just discuss no ability to destroy)(Don't bite the newbie) 18:02, 30 September 2022 (UTC)

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This is a multi-lingual wiki. Would you like to write in Chinese? I can use machine translation. I want to know more about your concerns.

J.zht (talkcontribs)

我對WMF-2030 central hubs-我一直在對手機訪問網路,還有手機本身的內建軟體崩潰的問題,但是我已經發現android ,Google 對android版本很早就不再支持更新,所以問題在製造商,我有看見你們也注意到更多人只有閱讀,訪客只有閱讀就不會用到編輯,更多時候在旅途,或是火車,坐交通工具的時候會用手機瀏覽網站,網站的頁面就必須要減少添加元素,這是一個趨勢,在2012年 Google Inc 收購 本來設計 android 的公司,又召集了大品牌製造商組成行動聯盟,當時的目標就是 要攻佔除了PC,以外的電子設備的市場。我一直有一個目標,語音識別系統,這套系統 Wikimedia 擁有比其他人更多的資源,這些分佈在 [wikidata,wiki commons,Wikiversity ,Wiki Thesaurus]我知道WMF董事會成員也已經很早就意識到 擴張的太快,資源沒辦法整合,MataWiki本身就是在負責跟全球各地區的附屬公司 發揮到樞紐的功能,樞紐的字面 在中文 「樞紐」是兩個分開獨立的 「字」=「English word」英文單字是由26個英文字母任意組成,為一個「單字」用途在不同的地方,配合在任何的一句話之間有不同的功用,可能是名詞,或是專業術語。中文 每一個「字」是由部首「字」下方「子」就跟英文的「單字」「A or B」 是一樣的 中文 「子」的意思在英文獨立翻譯就是英文「son」。 上方「」中如果不是中文 ,不用翻譯,我簡單的說,其實我為什麼會接觸到網際網路的原因只是因為玩了一款手機的遊戲,遊戲公司辦了一個比賽,獎勵是一套裝備,那套裝備我仔細看了裝備的數據,那套裝備在當時遊戲中只要拿到那套裝備,沒有在遊戲中的角色是無敵的,沒有任何角色能扛住一個普通攻擊的存在,這是遊戲公司的在數據設計的嚴重漏洞,我當時本來是不打算參與跟人戰鬥,就因為看到數據,而且好像沒人發現,我就報名了,進入之後也沒幾個玩家在裡面,而且都是新角色剛註冊,結果一定是我贏了。我我打完比賽就下線,遊戲公司在我下線的時候派人創立新角色,攻擊的不是我,是我比賽中搶到的稱為遊戲中的配偶,配偶本身的各種數據弱的跟剛註冊的角色一樣,最後因為對方打敗了我搶到那個配偶,我起床上線之後看到配偶變成另一個不同新角色,角色名稱在字面上就是對我羞辱的詞彙,因此我一路從Google play的客戶服務 不處理,我就一直找到網際網路,去看了當時的美國安全港條約,然後就找到 Google 所有資料, 一直到後來剛購買的新手機 , 內部又是綁架內置軟體,所以又去找了Github,Apache,認識到什麼叫“開源軟體”,“核心系統”,“編程語言”,“計算機”“邏輯”。 我已經寫了一個初步規劃書,這份規劃書涉及的是運動項目。


  1. 中心樞紐/central hub的重點針對:1、2、4、5。正常運作後就後直接改善倡議:3、6、7、8、9。
  2. 「任何一間公司在創立時期就需要先制定基本章程、主要的業務項目範圍」請參照示例¹經過研究後報告書。請移動這個談話內容,這部分要開始公部一些「重要的」「籌款」「網站缺點」
  • 請保護這個討論頁面,因為我已經大致有找到一些“委員會,commons, data”,我的語言項目在“incubator International Language

[ISO 639-2 code=zho=繁體中文。] [ISO 639-2 code=chi=簡體中文。]ISO 639-1 code:zh 「文字」繼承的是639-2 code:zho,因為歷史原因分成了2個不同的國家,ISO 639-2的誕生是因為在1949年之後,為了普及教育,讓人民能夠能盡快接受知識,要接受教育所以才推行了「字體簡化運動」這是歷史我也是認為當時因為中華民族剛建立真正的成為「民主立憲制」的國家體制,又建國之後不久又出現軍閥割據,國家基本上一直在動亂,國家不穩定,人民就沒錢,沒知識,沒飯吃,所以後來code:zho 被戰敗的我們在“台灣”開始一直到現在,所以ISO 639-2 ,應該是因為這個原因出現的,不然歷史如果沒發生國家內戰,中文只有一個代碼ISO 639-1code:zh 不會有變體的分裂成639-2更不會在同一國家說的同樣的「語音」書寫只有一種字體,國家不可能為了方言去創造新的「字體」這些「方言」除了「粵語」很早之前就租給「英國」1997年才還給「中國」 簡體字,繁體字的關係本質上因為1949年到2022年,兩邊民間的文化習慣,對同一個「物品、名詞」都有不同的使用方式,兩種字體是必須存在的,現在只有「中文」code:zh 代表那一種字體?因為我看到一個進過 translate.net 完成翻譯,在MataWikimedia.org,頁面中文的翻譯裡面有簡體字也有繁體字,我看的懂,其他的我不確定繁體字的「字體」每一個字代表的「語義」「語境」這就是第一個要整合的,兩種字體都必須存在zho=「繁體」中文「字體」chi=「简体」中文「字体」長的不一樣但是同一個爸爸生的,這個字體你去「美國」官方網站可以看到中文一直保持2種「不同」「字體」讓人選擇。國家網站為什麽會對「中文」保持「简」,「繁」因為歷史,繁體中文被日本採用,日本的文化在很久以前影響了臺灣,CJK,到目前每年都在補充「中文表意文字」,中文的字體文獻紀錄的在「公元前1千多年開始到現代」「國家」會因為各種原因被另一個「O王Y朝」取代,「字體」不會因為「國家」消失這是不變的,尤其目前的中國非常強大,中文字體更不可能會消失,起碼五百年之後只要還有人類其中有一個他的“母語”使用的字體是「中文,字體」臺灣跟中國的未來不一定,一百年內不會產生「字體」合為一體,國家的政權就算統一,這兩個文字「字體」要讓人民改變習慣學另一種「字體」文化不是用任何武器,攻擊。能夠統一的,現在要收回方言就非常困難,中國的總統不可能允許方言替代「中國官方:普通字」方言用的也是「中國官方:普通字體」難怪申請世界文化遺產會被拒絕,因為維基媒體擾亂了「中國的文化」。這就是原因,我會給Template:差異的補充說明。Jc.Mamdy(talk) 01:58, 1 October 2022 (UTC)

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

If you are interested in the 2030 hubs at Meta-Wiki, see m:ESEAP Hub.

Is it difficult to edit the wiki from an Android phone?

J.zht (talkcontribs)

@User talk:Whatamidoing(WMF)

  你誤解了我的意思 ,我所描述的是所有的移動裝置;也就是目前所有在世界各地的人們手中的智慧型手機都不適合做細緻的編輯工作。

原因在於手機的螢幕規格與核心的設計,我發覺有很多工程人員都會習慣性的忽略了這些問題,6.7吋螢幕的規格是目前為止在市面上流通的手機螢幕的平均尺寸。最重要的問題在於手機螢幕在輸入文字時虛擬鍵盤的畫面佔據了30% 。 這還只是未進行任何輸入的情況發生的情況,接著要考慮到手機用戶使用的聯網方式,手機用無線寬頻網路 VS PC 計算機 有線以太光纖網路的速度,還有內核,處理器,鍵盤之類的支援配件。


VisualEditor Bug

Atibrarian (talkcontribs)

In the past few years, I have noticed that while using the mobile desktop view in creating an article or expanding an existing page. There seems to be a bug that wiped out some text or a paragraph from the existing content which makes the editing using a mobile desktop view tedious.

Furthermore, in some cases, the text might be invisible but when you publish changes you will discover it exists thereby duplicating the text. I have over time alternated between VisualEditor and Source to ensure there are no mixed-up text or paragraphs before publishing final changes.

I thought I was the only one experiencing the challenge until Jesse from the Ghanaian community asked (on the Africa Wikimedia Technical Community WhatsApp group) if we could share the challenges we as African face while editing with our mobile device to share with the Wikimedia Editing Team. After sharing my experience as stated above, I discovered that it resonates with all Wikimedia editors across African countries and perhaps the world in general.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

What do you mean by "the "mobile desktop view"? Is this the desktop view on a mobile device?

Atibrarian (talkcontribs)

What I mean by "mobile desktop view" is when using a smartphone. Switching from the mobile view of the smartphone to a desktop view.

I hope my explanation is clearer. Regards.

Edited words returning disjointed

Ngozi Stella Udechukwu (talkcontribs)

Hello, I'm Ngozi. I noticed that after editing some words, it will become disjointed. I don't know the cause. After correcting it, it beeturn bad a ~~~~gain.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Edits in diff won't show if paragraph split

Thinker78 (talkcontribs)

Hi. If I make edits in a paragraph and split said paragraph, the only changes visible in the diff is the paragraph like if it was deleted and added and the edits made within the same won't show. Edits in other paragraphs not split do show.

Shows whole paragraph in red, rather than diff

Wakelamp (talkcontribs)

Greetings from Sunny Melbourne Australia where I am working outside and enjoying the autumn sunshine 23 degrees. :-) As a peace offering @Whatamidoing (WMF)please share some of my mandarin and green tea (t is very refreshing either hot or with ice)

On the en article The Trranformers: The Move I changed [within a paragraph and added a carriage return before. The diiff shows the whole paragraph deleted and re-inserted with one word the same (I have a screen dump)

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the fruit and tea. :-)

I'm sorry you ran into this. This happens sometimes, and it's a difficult mathematical problem to solve. There's a minimum amount, so if you change a single letter or a single word, it will show a larger amount as being "changed". (The alternative is highlighting single characters, and if you've ever tried to track down a change involving a single space in the pale blue/light yellow color scheme, you'll understand why they made that choice.) Additionally, it doesn't always make the choice around blank lines that a human would. So when you combine the two, it can cause "obviously wrong" results.

I generally find that some diffs are best handled by the wikitext system and others by the visual system. If one of them isn't working, it's worth seeing whether the other is better.

VisualEditor hangs while trying to access getOuterRange

Summary last edited by ESanders (WMF) 14:49, 21 March 2023 1 year ago


Isaacl (talkcontribs)

Recently I have been getting a lot of hangs, with the Javascript console showing an error trying to access "getOuterRange". I constructed an example:


The Javascript console has the following message:

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getOuterRange') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getOuterRange')

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.appendListItem (<anonymous>:853:51)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedListNodeData (<anonymous>:857:241)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedNodeData (<anonymous>:851:623)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedNodeElements (<anonymous>:851:310)

    at render (<anonymous>:845:578)

    at processQueue (<anonymous>:846:330)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.renderDiff (<anonymous>:849:481)

    at new VeUiDiffElement (<anonymous>:842:133)

    at uri.query.diffmode (<anonymous>:170:171)

    at mightThrow (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/load.php?lang=en&modules=jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets&skin=vector&version=u7e4l:49:881) undefined

jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook @ load.php?lang=en&modules=jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets&skin=vector&version=u7e4l:52

Note the initial insertion of the third-level unbulleted list item does not hang:


Has there been any recent changes that would cause this?

Isaacl (talkcontribs)

Here's another example from the English Wikipedia technical village pump, which seems like a straightforward addition of a third-level unbulleted list item:


The Javascript console displays the following error:

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getOuterRange') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getOuterRange')

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.appendListItem (<anonymous>:746:51)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedListNodeData (<anonymous>:750:241)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedNodeData (<anonymous>:744:623)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.getChangedNodeElements (<anonymous>:744:310)

    at render (<anonymous>:738:578)

    at processQueue (<anonymous>:739:330)

    at VeUiDiffElement.ve.ui.DiffElement.renderDiff (<anonymous>:742:481)

    at new VeUiDiffElement (<anonymous>:735:133)

    at uri.query.diffmode (<anonymous>:302:171)

    at mightThrow (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.discussionTools.init%7Cjquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets&skin=vector&version=10v1w:321:881) undefined

jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook @ load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.discussionTools.init|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets&skin=vector&version=10v1w:324

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks for this detailed bug report. It sounds like they're already on the right track.

Cat changes not displaying

Summary last edited by ESanders (WMF) 14:45, 21 March 2023 1 year ago


Sario528 (talkcontribs)
ESanders (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This has been fixed in 1.41.wmf1 and should be available later this week.

Visual diff hangs with non-standard element structure

Summary last edited by ESanders (WMF) 14:44, 21 March 2023 1 year ago


Isaacl (talkcontribs)

When the wikitext markup produces incorrect element nesting, the visual diff tool just hangs. For example, this edit added an <s> element that spanned across block display elements:


I realize the halting problem means it's impossible to stop all hangs. Nonetheless, this type of markup error is not unusual on talk pages. Is there anything that can be done to help prevent this as often as possible?

Apologies if this has been discussed before or if there is a ticket; I don't know how to search this structured discussion (Flow) or Phabricator.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Usually, when Something Bad happens, it times out and produces an error about not being able to calculate it. I'm not sure what's going on with that one.

Isaacl (talkcontribs)

Some time in the past few months I have noticed a change: when a property is missing, the VisualDiff feature will revert back to showing a wikitext diff, while displaying an error message. I appreciate the change!

ESanders (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Fixed in Feb 2022.

Incorrect translation

T0T0R (talkcontribs)

When modifying a mathematical formula in French, the visual editor displays "Formule mathématique modifié" instead of "Formule mathématique modifiée".

I tried to see if I could contribute to the translations of this tool but I could not find exactly where i have to modify the code.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
T0T0R (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your answer.

It took me several hours to try to figure out how to access to the translation, but I think I finally managed to find it.

So I pushed this modification in Gerrit, is it how you are supposed to do it ?

(I originally wanted to insert the link to Gerrit here but apparently it is considered as spamming, so here is the title: Fix French translation for message key:"visualeditor-changedesc-unknown")


Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Did this get resolved? If not, @Verdy p might be able to help.

Verdy p (talkcontribs)

The current translation was changed according to the change made also in English: "Attribut $1 modifié".

Initially it was "$1 modifié". So superficially it was correct.

As this is a variable and there's no info about its grammatical gender provided or easily detectable or predictable from $1, there was no feminine indication. But when adding "Attribut" before, there's no problem: "modifié" is linked to "Attribut" which is unambiguously masculine.

The only way to solve it would be either to have a separate translatable unit allowing to specify an extra attribute for selecting the appropriate translation unit. But for now such support does not exist in the code. This is a case known as "patchwork message", whose translatability is not evident and there's no easy or evident solution. Something is tried and looks OK the first time, but later we see some unexpected usage (that were not documented). Only such bug report here can help find a better solution. However this is a minor bug and does not affect the usability.

An intial fix was made using "Élément $1 modifié", but actually it was incorrect because the "/qqq" doc says that it is normally an attribute name. Now if you see "Formule mathématique" for $1, this is not an attribute and the existing doc is incorrect (it says that it is an HTML attribute name like lang or dir), the existing code has reused a message in a way that is still undocumented. May be there should be additional quotation marks in English and French and a separate translation unit added for what appears to be the name of a property type, or describing the type of a pseudo-element of Mediawiki itself (a tag extension like <math></math>). Note that there's also a genzral problem for the capitalization of translatable units (that is tregularly used and abused in English, without taking care about their actual contextual reuse in other translatable messages).

If you still don't see "Attribut $1 modifié", that's because there's a delay in installing the update on the wiki (normally every week but there were extra delays during some holidays, due to lower presence of admins, and because there are also additional priority things to do at start of year, such as archiving, and other critical tests and security fixes, as wikis are more likely to be attacked during holidays: the message was last fixed by T0T0R and rapidly modified by me on 13 December to replace "Élément" by "Attribut", as documented), or it was not reimported and forgotten.

Developers should take more care about how they reuse existing messages, and then add better documentation. Frequently, when I can, I add some documentation about usage, but others can contribute as well to "/qqq" doc pages in translatewiki.net. Also frequently I submit bug reports to developers when there are obvious ambiguities or translation problems. Many developers forget things as they just know and use English and keep bad assumptions.

Posting these bug reports helps to make them more aware of such problems (there are various kinds of problems depending on the target language, notably for languages with complex rules like Slavic and Celtic languages: Mediawiki in Russian is quite horrible, frequently not using natural language, just to avoid some grammatical problems, and translations are non-verbal, enumeration like, with too many punctuation signs; the situation is worse for Celtic languages with contextual mutations).

And unfortunately the existing linguistic support for such cases is still minimal or insufficient in MediaWiki; this may change with ongoing works for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions). Basically what is needed in Mediawiki translations is the possibility to not just add translated text, but also add some "metadata tags", and possibily add variants with other metadata for "linguistics tags", and then a standard Mediawiki function that can be called to use these tags as "selectors", plus a repository of linguistic tags for each language (such tags would include any grammatical feature: noun/verb/adjective/adverb/etc., conjugation time or mode, plural, gender, grammatic formal/informal registers or styles, abbreviation/long forms, possible "synonyms" to avoid ugly repetitions or aliterations, "gluability" for contractions, detachable particles in German verbs, or terminologic domains... like those already existing and used in Wiktionary). But also for now there's still no such repository of what is needed for correct distinctions of terms or forms (something is started in Wikidata for lexemes, but there are lots to do).

Complete article marked as diff

Andreas C. Hofmann (talkcontribs)
Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hey there.

If you mean that when you visit https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=1126674536&oldid=1119582634&title=CP/CMS&diffmode=visual you see a visual diff of the whole page, I cannot reproduce this bug, sorry. The code has some thresholds below which it deems so much of the content has changed as to be better to show it as a complete replacement (e.g. if you changed 'eagle' to 'beaver', we could show that as '+b(ea)-gl+v(e)+r' but it's pretty unreadable), which might have triggered for you somehow?